This is one of those books which suddenly seemed to be everywhere on the internet. I had it on my Want-to-read list for some time but it’s listening to one of the recent Cory Doctorow’s interviews where he recommended the book finally decided me to buy it (as well as the other books he recommended).

And I am extremly happy to have finally read it.

Think a mix between Romeo and Juliet and replacing the two families by two different possible futures (one Avatar-blue viney-hivey elfworld, the other Terminator-eye-red techy-mechy dystopia), each discovering the other through letters to each others. A ennemy to lover story.

The book structure can be a bit repetitive, one chapter with context and letter discovery, the letter in the following chapter, then switching point-of-view and again. But it flows extremely well and it makes discovery the whole world(s?) a pleasure.

And it’s very well written. More like poesy than prose. Kinda reminds me of Be there tio love me at the end of the world (which I should finish reading someday).

Final word

Read it.