I am currently re-reading the Foundation series. The notes on the other books are found below, the links will be updated as I go through the books:

So, Foundation’s edge is the first book in which Asimov comes back to the Foundation Universe after a 30-year hiatus. The difference in writing style with the original trilogy is striking. But the main thing I appreciate is that the book finally gives room for the characters and the intrigue to grow. Foundation’s edge is much 30% longer than all previous books and you definitely feel it.

To the story itself. In short, it revolves around one of the usual Asimov’s trope. What the Foundations are and how they interact was described in great details in the trilogy. So, Foundation’s Edge introduce a perturbation. What if the system described previously was not ALL the system ? What if there was another variable which was not accounted for by Seldon. What if there was a third way ? What if there was another specie in the galaxy, outside of the equations of human behaviour.

In a way, this volume can be seen as the introduction of Foundation and Earth.

But still.

First time in the trilogy that robots and the Law of Robotics.

And I love Asimov’s robots.

I need more robots.

(and how to break them)

Verbose mode on

One thing that really stuck out in that book is how much all characters speak. Pretty much everything happen in dialogue or discussion. As much as I liked that the final chapter of Foundation and Empire was written this way, in Foundation’s edge, it feel too much. Way too much.

I don’t remember if the other books where this verbose. I am curious to see how this can be brought on the screen. This might be OK for theater. But as a serie adaptation ?

A passion for knick-knacks

The original trilogy was very 50s-centric in its trust of things. How post-war-feeling the whole trade system described in the trilogy was setup. There’s litterally and example where favour is bought with a fridge. Trust and emancipation through the accumulation of consumer electronics. Electronics being the main word here.

On top of the usual tech-will-save-us-from-everything motto, common at the time. For sure, the First Foundation is built around physical tech. Still.

In Foundation’s edge, you can feel that the Oil Crisis happened. Some words about energy efficiency. The dirtiness of oil-based energy or chemical energy. And on the other end, the efficiency of new tech and new energy. Taking energy from the Galaxy itself.

This is also a nice introduction to modern computers. So far, everything was either based around the idea of the mainframe, the Prime Radiant, first of all, but with time sharing access! cutting edge technology from MIT during the 50s! On the other end, Foundation’s edge introduces personal computers! Onboard computers! The revolution of the 70s sure made its way into Asimov’s novels.

Final word

If you manage to go beyond the verbose aspect of the book, this is till a great story.

Also, rumours of robots.