The GrishaVerse

Finally reading the last book of the Grishaverse. I was unplussed by the previous one so was expecting at least closure.

Reading the first chapters, I felt as if each books was actually describing how the protagonist tried to escape a toxic male figure (the Darkling in the first, Nikolai in the second and the Apparat in the last). That might have been part of the message in the background of first books but this topic is evacuated after a few chapters in this one.

Hard to provide a summary of the book without spoiling the main events.

The elements I felt like were huge build-ups in the previous book were all confirmed. I also guess the ending (or rather how Alina would escape her condition). So I was not suprised at all.

I also feel like the author had fun building strategies, describe the preparation and then just destroy everything prematurely in the most mondaine / unsatisfactory way.

Final word

So, final word after reading the 3 books in a week. I had a good time. The whole serie was 読みやすい. But I don’t think I will remember much of it in a month time.